Well, I did go to Baton Rouge for our 1st task force meeting. It was just general issues discussed. We had to mail our bio in so they could decide which committee to put us on. Missy wrote mine. She did a really good job. Then I kept my 16 month old great granddaugter for a few days. Jesse was in bed with the bug so it was me and little Jessie. I have so much fun with her. She is so good. Then I took her home to rest up for the Memory Walk. I got Jesse's bug, he swears that I did not, but anyway, I got sick but was determined to do my story at the walk becasue Stacey was so depending on me. I did the speech, not the best I ever did but I got my point across by the responce I got afterwards. The picture encaptured is me speaking. I came home and got in bed. Went to the doctor Monday to get some medicine and came back home and got back in the bed. Today I am feeling a little better but nothing to sing about. I have an Alzheimer's meeting tomorrow. Me and the guys are going to lunch with Fannie. No spouses allowed. So I have to be up for that. Conference call on the 21st with National, then back to Baton Rouge on the 30th. Have a good day and may God bless you in a special way. Hug someone and let them know you care. Sue