Monday, April 30, 2007

Back home

Well, we are back. I am very tired. I have slept most of the day, and my brain is tired. We didn't catch any fish but its not from the lack of tiring. They just weren't biting. The little bream loved my bait and ate it all, which was fun to try and catch them but they are so fast. It still was relaxing just sitting there feeding them. It was a learning experience that we will do a few things a little different next time and be a little more prepared. This is going to be a crazy month with Chris's graduation, crawfish boil the day before Mothers Day, going to see a Bonnie and Clyde re-enactment. Hope to go fishing on Red River in Colfax. We will see. I wish my family could/would read some of the blogs of other people that are at or have been at the same place I am now with my Alzheimers to realize I am having problems with some of the same things like noise and following directions, etc. Can't think of all the things I noticed that I was having problems with this week end. Moma/grandma just ain't what she use to be. I am tired so I am going to cut this short. Nite.